Cobar Public School

We are a school community of responsible, respectful learners.

Telephone02 6836 2039

Parents and citizens association

Cobar Public School Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) is a wonderful group of parents and community members who are dedicated to the success of Cobar Public School. We aim to support the staff of Cobar Public School in achieving the best educational outcomes for all students.

Parents and Citizens Committee for 2025

Our 2024 P&C office holders are:

  • Haylee Prince - President
  • Corey Traynor  - Vice President 
  • Jennifer Shepherd - Treasurer 
  • Donna Prendergast - Secretary
  •  enquiries contact us via email at

Or find us on Facebook Cobar Public School P&C Association.

Parents and citizens meetings

The P&C meets on the first Tuesday of the month during the term at 6.00pm at the School.

New members are always welcome. Please come along and hear what the P&C are doing to help improve the school. Our Principal, Jonathan Harvey, reports on other things happening in the school, we share ideas about fund-raising and resources. It is also a time to chat with other parents or carers.

We continue to be actively involved by organising events and fund raising money to purchase educational equipment and resources for the school. We do this by:

  • providing the school community with a School Canteen.
  • fundraising throughout the year

Our next Spring Fair is in September 2026. This event is a major fund raiser for the P&C. We have so much fun preparing and organising this amazing event for the whole school and community to enjoy.

The school canteen

The canteen is run by the P&C, who employ our Canteen Manager, Meredith Broughton. The canteen provides nutritious and healthy lunches to the students and staff of the school every day. We are an accredited Healthy Kid School Canteen and a member of ASCA. 

We have our menu posted on our Facebook page.

 School uniform

Cobar Public School P&C Association and School Council endorses and promotes the wearing of the Cobar Public School Uniform.

The uniform shop:

The uniform shop is now run by the school.

Please fill in an order form and drop at the front office with payment and it will be filled.

Please jump on our Facebook page to see our Uniform List.