Cobar Public School

We are a school community of responsible, respectful learners.

Telephone02 6836 2039

Positive behaviour for learning

Our school is a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school. PBL is a whole school approach for all students supporting and fostering their behaviour, wellbeing and learning needs. 

This approach focuses on explicit teaching and supporting positive behaviour for all students. It is an approach which supports students' own personal development as well as helping them to understand what is required of them in order to create a peaceful, productive and harmonious learning community.

Research tells us that the five most effective strategies to classroom management are:

  • engagement of students
  • consistent rules
  • established routines
  • positive feedback
  • consistent consequences for misbehaviour. 

These five strategies are directly aligned to department policies and the Quality Teaching Framework

PBL is also a data driven program. The committee meets once a fortnight to review data and discuss, organise and implement future PBL lessons and focus of the weeks. 

School-wide expectations

Our PBL school-wide approach is based on a set of expectations which apply in every setting in which students are learning, e.g. in the playground and in the classroom.

Responsible, Respectful Learners

Our CPS moto is Responsible, Respectful Learners. They define our expectations for behaviour in our school and are posted throughout the school. Through our PBL focus of the week, students have the opportunity to participate in PBL lessons explicitly reinforcing an expectation. Teachers consistently refer to these expectations throughout the school day, acknowledging and rewarding positive student behaviour.

Students are rewarded for positive behaviour around all school settings. Staff regularly hand out ‘Good Eggs’ to acknowledge and promote positive behaviour. Once students accumulate 10 Good Eggs, they hand them in to their class teacher for a Merit Award. 

When students have collected 10 Merit Awards throughout the term, they are eligible to attend PBL Shining Day and receive a PBL Shining Day Pass to take home to their family. PBL Shining Day is held at the end of each term. The day includes fun and engaging activities suggested by students and implemented by staff e.g. The Amazing Race and The Colour Run.

Classroom training

We will be commencing classroom training for all staff in Term 3, 2019. The training directly relates to the five effective strategies to classroom management, as noted above. 

We consistently review and update our behaviour management plans and positive reinforcement and reward systems.

If you have any questions about Positive Behaviour for Learning, please contact the CPS office.